Karma pays,

A lesson I have learned is whilst one is busy living…one must always remember that Karma is watching your back…what you sow you reap, what goes around comes around, what you give you get. This is 100% true and no one is spared.

Unless one experiences the pain one never understands the damage one has caused. Karma takes care of it, rest assured. When a bad thing happens to me and I want to let it out in disgust or anger I remind myself never mind Karma will take care of it. Don’t waste your time.

Karma has taught me lessons, and has assured that haved learned it. Today I have learned to appreciate my Mother much more, as now due to Covid 19 I have to do all the household chores, run errands…singlehandedly along with Office-work from home. I am drained till the end of the day. I wake up the next day to do the same things all over again, not knowing when this will end.

I have come to empathise with my Mother who worked similarly for long hours day after day, month after month, year after year…silently. Karma assured I have learned my lesson good.

You do not have to believe me on how Karma works, try it for yourself. Tell you what…one morning decide to do only good. Register one good deed in your mind’s book and forget about it. When an unexpected good happens to you try to link it with the good deed done by you and you will discover the power of a smile for a smile.

Life has a way of giving back in loads…whether you do good or bad. So beware when you do bad and when someone does bad to you forget about it…Karma will take the revenge. Trust me.

Keep spreading cheer and cheer’s’ will come back to you.